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Learn about our history
1959 Madeireira Herval was founded
On October 1st, 1959, Madeireira Herval, located in Dois Irmãos, 50 kilometers from Porto Alegre, begins its activities. The company started as a sawmill with a wood deposit and by making window frames and gradually gained its place in the market, led by its founder Felippe Seger Sobrinho and Nelsi Seger Grings.
1960 Manufacture of wooden shoe boxes
By 1960, the entrepreneurial spirit of the founders was already perceived, seeking opportunities for new business. The next step was the expansion of business with the opening of a store that sold a construction and hardware line as well as furniture and appliances.
1970 Upholstered furniture
In the 1970s, Herval began expanding its horizons by producing upholstered furniture.
1973 New Furniture and Mattresses unit
Other possibilities arise when the Herval Móveis e Colchões – HMC [furniture and mattresses] precursor unit is created.
1980 Foam factory
The initiative to produce upholstery led to the next important step: the creation of the foam factory, primarily to cater to the upholstery and mattress production. Then came the Herval Group, initially with three divisions: Commerce, Furniture and Chemicals.
1982 First Herval Store
In 1982, the first Herval store branches were opened.
1986 Change of industrial complex
With the growth of production demand, in March 1986, Herval moved the industrial complex to BR 116, in Dois Irmãos/RS, where it remains today.
1992 Manufacture of latex laminates
In 1992, the company started to serve a new segment: the footwear sector. To make this happen, the Herval Group incorporated the manufacture of latex laminates, in addition to the polyurethane foam it already sold.
1994 Herval Administradora de Consórcios
Through another visionary action that boosted the Group's store sales, Herval Administradora de Consórcios - precursor of HS Consórcios [consortiums] - emerges.
1996 Starts production of polyurethane soles and spring mattresses
That year, the manufacture of injected polyurethane begins and the company acquired its first spring mattress machine, another product of the Herval line.
1997 New ideas, old values
In late 1997, work began on the new Herval Química [chemicals] building, where the first machine in Brazil would be installed with a continuous foam manufacturing process using the "cardio" system, which produces CFC-free foams. This process was designed based on a concern of the Herval Group and remains strong to this day: caring for the environment.
1998 Exports
The end of the previous millennium was very important for the Herval Group: our brand becomes visible in the global market through the export of Herval furniture.
2002 Distribution Center
At the end of 2002, more work began at Herval, culminating in the inauguration of a new Distribution Center, over 21,000m² in area.
2003 New Administrative Center and certifications
In 2003 the new Administrative Center in Dois Irmãos was inaugurated and achieved ISO 9001 certification for H Química.
2004 Distribution Center in the state of São Paulo
This year, Herval opened a new Distribution Center in the industrial region of São Paulo. In the same period, Herval Móveis e Colchões obtained an important certification, proof of the quality with which its products are made: the ISO 9001: 2000 Certification. At that time, the concept of strengthening the Herval Group also began. This led to a division into three segments according to the nature of the products: Industries, Commerce and Services.
2005 Three new companies
Esse foi um ano importante para a expansão dos negócios do Grupo Herval, com a criação de três novas empresas, em diferentes segmentos: a loja virtual Herval (Lojas taQi), HS Seguros e a HS Financeira.
2007 Nasce a HLar
Pela visão empreendedora da Direção do Grupo Herval, uma nova tendência surge na diversificação dos negócios: a HLar. Aliando oportunidades, necessidades do mercado e diferenciais competitivos da empresa, proporcionaram alicerces para impulsionar uma nova marca.
2008 Start of IMPLA
Nesse ano, é inaugurada a fábrica IMPLA, com seu parque industrial localizado em Novo Hamburgo/RS. Unidade de Negócios responsável pela fabricação dos Móveis ÉDEZ.
2009 Half a century of history
In 2009, a new phase in the Herval Group began. In the year of its 50th anniversary, a new positioning was created for the Herval Group. Given the current changes in the market, the restructuring brought the challenge of change, staying grounded on the solid foundation that started the company in the distant year of 1959.
2010 Opening of iPlace stores and move to TaQi stores
In 2010, investments were made in two major brands of the Herval Group. The partnership with Apple begins through iPlace stores, in the Apple Premium Reseller (APR) standard. In the same year, the Herval Stores are restructured and called TaQi Stores. The expansion of the IMPLA factory is also done.
2011 Hotel and RUMOS Program
Herval Hotel returns to the market, focused on the supply of furniture and mattresses for hospitals, hotels and companies in general. In the same year, H Química [chemicals] expands its business to the markets in Colombia and Mexico. There is also the launch of the RUMOS Program, which integrates Human Resources processes using the Skills dynamics.
2013 First PDC [skill development program] Class and Prêmio Top Ser Humano [outstanding human award]
This year, the first class of the Programa de Desenvolvimento de Competência – PDC [skills development program] graduated. In the same period, the Herval Group won the ABRH-RS 2013 Prêmio Top Ser Humano [outstanding human award] with the Rumos case e PDL [leader development plan]: your Career goes through here. The first phase of the Connection project, implementation of SAP ERP, begins.
2014 Start of SAP Connection Project and Prêmio Ser Humano Oswaldo Checchia [Oswaldo Checchia human award]
In 2014, the Herval Group underwent significant changes with the start of the Connection Project | SAP. The implementation of the new SAP ERP (Enterprise Management System) aims to make the company more competitive in the market by gathering information on a single platform. The adoption of this ERP is intended to prepare the Herval Group for the next 50 years. In the same year, the Herval Group receives the Prêmio Ser Humano Oswaldo Checchia [Oswaldo Checchia human award].
2015 Herval Nordeste opens and HT Solution emerges
2015 was quite a year for the Herval Group. Herval's new factory is inaugurated in June, located in Bezerros, Pernambuco. On a 250,000 m² piece of land, with 35,000 m² of built area, the complex was designed with the latest technologies and supplies the North and Northeast regions with Herval Mattresses, Furniture and Upholstery, as well as H Química products. In the same year, Herval Tech assumed a new identity, becoming HT Solution.
2016 Creation of Uultis and SAP wave 2
Once again, from the entrepreneurial vision of the Herval Group Management, a new brand proposition emerges in the furniture industry, Uultis. This year also marks an important step in the SAP implementation process with Wave 2 at Go Live SAP 2 | Industries.
2017 Continous business expansion
The Herval Group, with entrepreneurship and leveraging opportunities, articulates important fronts with booming retail expansion, especially in the iPlace Stores.
2017 Surgiu a VouLevar
A VouLevar é uma loja online especializada na venda de produtos Herval Móveis e Colchões e ÉDEZ. São móveis de alta qualidade e beleza, fabricados para deixar os lares mais modernos e aconchegantes. Com fabricação própria, a VouLevar proporciona diversas opções diferenciadas para seus clientes em toda linha de móveis para dormitórios, salas de estar e jantar e áreas de lazer.
2019 60 years
Over the years, we have built a solid foundation and set new boundaries as we grow. And now, 60 years later, we want to push those limits.
2021 Mudança dos Móveis ÉDEZ
A estrutura fabril dos Móveis ÉDEZ é transferida para Dois Irmãos.
2023 Inauguração Da Nova Marcenaria
O novo espaço tem 12.198,56 m², focado na otimização dos processos de beneciamento de madeira e, futuramente, poderemos ter novas instalações de outros processos industriais para aprimoramento.
2023 Uultis Internacional
Loja Uultis em Nova Iorque com 230 metros quadrados, em New York Design Center, localizada em Manhattan.
2024 Nova Identidade
A marca HS Corretora de Seguros apresenta uma nova identidade visual e muda o nome para Herval Corretora de Seguros.